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cognos에서 서버접속암호 바꾸고 TR3001 에러 날때

cognos에서 접속암호 바꾸고 TR3001 에러 날때 다음과 같이


Transformer 8.4 TR3001,TR3117 - Unable to build cube in Unix when the cube build fine in Windows

Technote (troubleshooting)

This document applies only to the following language version(s):



TR3001 and TR3117 appear in the cube build logs when trying to build a cube in a Unix environment


Error messages present in the cube build log file:

(TR3001) The Cognos gateway is unable to connect to the Cognos BI server. The server may be unavailable or the gateway may not be correctly configured. Try again or contact your administrator.

(TR3117) Unable to retrieve security objects. Please verify credentials. [->OK]


This can occur if a signon is required to build the cube, but not provided.


- Transformer 8.4

- Unix

Resolving the problem

To steps may be necessary to resolve this issue:

1) Create a signon in the model file for the cube. (may not be necessary if a signon already exists)

a) Open the model in transformer on a windows machine

b) Click "view" --> "signons"

c) Right click in the "Sigonons" window and choose "Insert signon"

d) Provide a signon name, user ID, and password. Make sure "Set as auto logon" is checked. Specify the Namespace from the drop down menu.

e) Save changes to the model and move the model file to the unix server.

2) Add the -l option in the command used to build the cube


Information for the sample:

Model is named: sample.mdl

Signon created in step 1 was named: sampleSignon

User name for the signon is: admin

Password for the signon is: pass123

The command would look like this:

cogtr -c -lsampleSignon=admin/pass123 -m/cognos/sample.mdl

Additional information on creating signons and passing signon information from the command line can be found in the Transformer User Guide.